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St. Mary's C.E. Primary School

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Year 3

Welcome to Year Three 


In year 3, children are taught by Ms Begum and Miss Hussain. Teaching and learning is supported by Miss Osborne and Miss Hall.


Dear parents and children

We hope that you have had a peaceful break.


This half term, (second half of the Summer term), teaching and learning will focus on a narrative unit - Where the forest meets the sea by Jeannie Baker/The Secret Explorers and the Rainforest Rangers by S J King. Children will read through the texts, explore descriptive language and write a setting description. They will also focus on Where the Forest meets the Sea and write a recount/narrative of the events as they unfold in the book. After that, children will complete a History unit involving a locality study.


During Mathematics, children will continue to focus on the four operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as learning about shapes. This will involve learning about the properties of shapes - both 2D and 3D shapes, and children will also investigate different types of angles, and understand the terms perpendicular and parallel.


PE - Our PE day continues to be every Wednesday and children will be developing and improving their cricket skills. Please make sure that children are in P.E. kit every Wednesday. Please also make sure that all jewellery is removed, ear rings taken out and long hair tied back, in line with health and safety guidelines.


Homework - All children have been given passwords for Read theory accounts and Rockstar’s times-tables (for 30 minutes, each week) - please ensure that your child goes onto these and completes some of the activities. Please also continue to listen to your child read at least three times a week. Once you have heard them read, question them about what they have read. This is a good way of developing understanding of the text.


If there are any concerns, queries or questions, please continue to contact us via dojo.


Thank you so much for your continued support.

Year 3 staff.



Year 3 Timetable 2023-24
