Year 1
Welcome to Year One
We have had a fantastic half term of learning over the past half term. Children have settled in very well and have been amazing at achieving their goals and engaging in the learning experiences.
During the second half of the Autumn term, we will continue to follow the National Curriculum and our school Curriculum Maps. Our mornings consist of Maths, Phonics and Curriculum learning. We link all our learning to a range of exciting topics which engage the children and immerse them in fun learning opportunities.
Our curriculum topics this half term include;
Narrative (The Gingerbread Man)
– Children will explore and become familiar with the narrative. They will then have an opportunity to write a character description. During this piece of writing, we will explore the use of adjectives and use them to support the descriptions.
They will use a range of strategies to develop an understanding of the characters including, role play, hot seating and roll on the wall descriptions.
- We will also be sequencing the story to support writing a narrative recount.
Design and Technology (Food)
– Children will have the opportunity to plan, make and evaluate their own Gingerbread Man. They will explore the food technology techniques need to make their final product including, mixing, kneading and cutting. Once they have completed their product, children will discuss the process and evaluate it.
Science (Everyday Materials)
– During this topic children will be learning about everyday materials and identifying what material objects are made from.
- They will explore a range of materials and discuss some of their properties.
- Once they have developed this understanding, they will be encouraged to design their own investigation of everyday materials.
- In Mathematics, we are going to consolidate our learning of place value and introduce addition and subtraction, in which we will encourage the children to use lots of apparatus in order to add and subtract.
Phonics is the gateway to the world – good phonetic knowledge and the ability to read enables great things! Daily phonics lessons and reading at home enable this. Don’t forget that there are lots of ways to read – magazines, comics, recipes, street signs etc. We are also extremely fortunate to have access to Reading Eggs which we encourage children to access at home as much as possible.
– Our PE day will be on a Friday. Please send your child to school in their full PE kit (making sure they have a cardigan/jumper to keep them warm as some of our lessons will be outdoors!
Thank you for your continued support!
The Year 1 team.