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St. Mary's C.E. Primary School

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Little Saints

Curiosity Approach 


Our Little Saints classroom is working towards the 'Curiosity Approach' accreditation. The Curiosity Approach promotes many different pedagogies relating to child development. The approach highlights the 'awe' and 'wonder' around learning and the environment. It encourages staff to become reflective practitioners and plan through the eyes of the child; which allows the children to explore a variety of activities and resources which they have never experienced before.

Welcome to Little Saints class page!

We are very excited to announce the opening of our new 2-year-old classroom ‘Little Saints’. Mrs Gibson and Mrs Smith are our Early Years Practitioners who will be running the classroom.


Exciting news, from September 2023 Little Saints will now be offering morning and afternoon sessions. These will be allocated to children who have just turned 2-years-old. The children can only attend one session. The times of the sessions are the following: 


Morning - 08:30 am - 11:30 am

Afternoon - 12:30 pm - 15:30 pm


During each session, the children will learn alongside the Development Matters National Curriculum and through the children's interests. Throughout all of our work, the staff in Little Saints will be assessing the children against the objectives outlined within this document and also use it to ensure that all individual needs are being met. 


The children will learn through a ‘free flow’ environment which will allow them the opportunity to explore the classroom with the support and facilitation from our wonderful staff members.


The children will take part in small group activities which will support their learning and development. These will consist of different activities relating to the seven areas of learning in the Foundation Stage.


During the morning the children will be given snack and milk and will be encouraged to sit at the table and enjoy their food with their friends and staff.


During the new Summer half term our new topic is 'I wonder who is in the story?'. During the summer term, the children will be looking at a variety of Traditional Tales and focusing their learning on retelling stories, creating props and creating stories within their play. The children will continue to sit during small group sessions to focus on speech sounds, listening and counting up to 5.


The outdoors is a vital part to growth and development in the Early Years and to St Mary's. Therefore, the children will be outside every morning during their time at Little Saints. They will explore the school grounds and enjoy the resources St Mary’s Foundation Stage outdoor area has to offer.


We ask that all children bring their nappies, cream and any other amenities with them in a bag with their name clearly labelled on. As the weather is set to change, the children can bring wellies from home to keep in the classroom for outdoor play and a warm waterproof coat is required. If you need further information regarding clothing please contact one of the Little Saints team.


We look forward to a fun filled half term!


Thank you,

Little Saints team
