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St. Mary's C.E. Primary School

With God’s strength, we reach for the stars

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Welcome from Father John, Christ Church

On behalf of Christ Church, Tunstall, I add my welcome to St. Mary’s Church of England Primary School. We are delighted that you and your children are part of the St Mary’s family in which the activities of school and church overlap so that God is seen to be acting in and through the local community.


The parish has been associated with St Mary’s School since 1862 when the original school was built. Since then, the parish has built upon these links and we are very proud of our Outstanding School.


The firm foundations of the life of the school are fully rooted in Christian values and they are reinforced in many different ways around school and I am confident that through their experiences of learning, playing and praying together the children see the reality of these being lived out.


A number of the school governors are members of the congregation of Christ Church, which ensures that church and school stay closely linked, and that faith permeates the way the school is run. As a church we pray regularly for the school, staff and pupils, and seek to promote its welfare.


The Trustees and other volunteers from church visit St Mary’s regularly, listen to children read and lead assemblies.


The parish Mass on a Monday takes place in school, moving around the different classrooms, giving the children the opportunity to help lead this important act of worship. Whole school Masses are also celebrated in school and at Christ Church on certain holy days as we celebrate the important events of the Christian year. As well as the children attending Christ Church for worship, we are pleased to be able to offer the church building as a learning resource across the curriculum.


Our aim is to give your children the best.
