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St. Mary's C.E. Primary School

With God’s strength, we reach for the stars

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Religious Education 



To continue to ensure the Understanding Christianity resource and the Discovery RE scheme of work is used across the school to teach children about different religious beliefs and the secular world view.

To help prepare and equip all pupils for life and citizenship in today’s diverse and plural Britain, through fostering in each pupil an increase level of religious literacy.

To improve children’s knowledge and understanding of parables Jesus told.

To ensure that all pupils are aware of the meaning of the parables that Jesus told and the impact they have on Christians now.

To ensure that children have a wide knowledge of bible stories from both the old and new testament of the Bible and Christian values (including the four school Christian values).

To ensure that all pupils are aware of the different bible stories within the Bible and which part of the Bible they come from. To ensure that children are aware of Christian values and the impact of these on Christians everyday life.

To ensure that children have opportunities to enhance their own personal spiritual development.

To ensure that all pupils are able to reflect on their own spiritual development.

Children to develop an awareness of secular world views as appropriate. 

To ensure that all pupils are able to discuss secular world views such as Humanism and Atheism.  



Book monitoring to ensure they are covering the UC curriculum concepts.

Drop-in lessons observations to ensure standards of teaching remain high.

UC and DRE assessment proformas (descriptive levels) to be used to assess chn at the end of each unit.

Book monitoring to ensure that the parables being explored and a range of cross curricular opportunities are being covered.

Drop-in lessons observations to ensure standards of teaching remain high during parable week.

LDBE website to be used to support planning and resource preparation.

Worship themes to explore different Bible stories which link to the school’s Christian values.

Worship to also link to History themes.

Staff to lead Worship (both class and whole school) exploring Christian values and linking this back to the Bible.

Debate to take place during Thursday’s class worship

School Mass to play a significant role within the community and Christ Church.

(COVID restricted - staff asked to debate once a week where possible and share in celebration worship on a Friday)

Reflection time is to be timetabled across the school.

Children to use reflection books/ stones to support their thinking during reflection time.

Outdoor and class reflection areas to be updated.  

Planning and resources to be purchased to support teaching staff.

Drop-in lessons observations to ensure standards of teaching remain high.



Children establish a growing knowledge and understanding of Christian beliefs, practices, spiritual insights and can talk confidently about the key concepts of the Christian faith.

All children will be able to discuss the hidden meanings of particular parables discussing the impact they have on Christians now and how the meanings can be applied to everyday life.

All children will be confident and be able to talk confidently about the different events and values explored within the Bible with some awareness of the chronological order of events.

All children will be confident and be able to talk confidently about their own spiritual development.

All children will be confident and be able to talk about secular world views and make comparisons with religious views.








