Here you will find a range of school policies which explain the systems and procedures which St Mary's Church of England Primary School follow.
If you require any further information, a paper copy or to see a full list of our policies, please speak to the school office.
- Art and Design Policy 2023-2024.pdf
- Attendance Policy 2024-2025.pdf
- Anti-Bullying-Policy-Pupils 2023-24.pdf
- British Value Policy 2023-24.pdf
- Charging and remissions policy June 2023.pdf
- Complaints Policy.pdf
- Computing Policy 2023-2024.pdf
- Confidential Reporting Procedure September 2023.pdf
- Dummy Policy 2023-24.pdf
- E-Safety Policy 2023-2024.pdf
- Equality Policy and Objectives 2023-2024.pdf
- Geography Policy 2023 2024.pdf
- Health and Safety Policy 2022-23.pdf
- History Policy 2023 2024.pdf
- Intimate Care Policy 2023-24.pdf
- MFL Policy 2023-24.pdf
- Music policy St Mary's 2022-23.pdf
- Oracy policy 2023-2024.pdf
- reading-policy-2023-24.pdf
- Times tables Policy 2023-2024.pdf
- Writing Policy 2023-24.pdf
- Behaviour policy 2024-2025.pdf
- Design and Technology policy 2024-2025.pdf
- EYFS Policy 2024-2025.pdf
- Mathematics policy 2024-2025.pdf
- PE Policy 2024-2025.pdf
- Phonics Policy 2024-2025.docx.pdf
- pshe policy 2024-2025.docx.pdf
- RE Policy 2024-2025.pdf
- RSE policy 2024-2025.pdf
- Safeguarding policy 2024-2025.pdf
- Science policy 2024-2025.pdf
- SEN policy 2024-2025.pdf
- Admissions policy 2024-25 updated.pdf
- Admissions policy 2025-26 updated.pdf
- Admissions policy 2026-27.pdf