Prime Minister visit to school
On Monday 1st March 2021, Prime Minister Boris Johnson came for a visit to our school. The reason for his visit was to see how St Mary's had supported our children throughout the National Lockdown and how we were getting ready for all of the children to return to school on Monday 8th March 2021. Mr Johnson quoted "I want to thank all the teachers who have done so much, Clare the headteacher, all the teachers who have done so much to get ready and I know that everybody's going to be back safely on March 8 which is overwhelmingly what parents, teachers and, I think, pupils across the country want to do."
During the visit, Mr Johnson took a tour around the school and was extremely impressed with the artwork in the corridors, the displays of children's work and how well behaved the children were both in class and on zoom. He participated in Year One's maths lesson, painted a monster in Reception, read a story with Year Four and met our Head Boy and Head Girl. Mr Johnson was impressed with all St Mary's had to offer, quoting "This is one of the best schools I have ever visited!"
As as school we are incredibly proud that the school has been recognised nationally for the support we have offered all of our children and families during the pandemic and we will continue to do so. We also would like to thank all of our families for their continued support they give to the school.