Modern Foreign Languages
MFL Intent, Implementation and Impact
‘MFL provides insights into another culture to deepen pupils’ understanding of the world and equip them to study in other countries.’
At St Mary’s we want our children to be inspired by language. To have a language-rich vocabulary, full of cultures, ideas and religions. We want our children to find their voice in languages, to be confident to explore other countries and experience what they have to offer. Children should have oral communication skills in many different languages as in today’s world this is a key skill to offer employers. MFL can develop higher order thinking, a positive ethos of questioning and well-rounded children, who have the eloquence and confidence needed for their futures.
After liaising with local language specialists, our intent is to create a solid foundation in MFL and to allow our children to develop an understanding of the power that learning a second (or sometimes third) language can give them. It is to support our children in becoming the very best that they can be.
MFL - Implementation statement
MFL at St. Mary’s has been developed around the National Curriculum with the support of a bought in scheme, La Jolie Ronde. Our progression documents detail what each year group will be taught and how this links to prior and future learning. Starting in September 2021, our children will be taught Spanish in Key Stage 2 for 30 minutes each week. Each lesson will focus on conversation skills, vocabulary and understanding as well as looking at the country of Spain and its culture.
The aim of our curriculum is that lessons in LKS2 will focus primarily on speaking and listening skills, whilst writing skills will be developed further in Years 5 and 6. Support is determined during each lesson to ensure secure understanding based on the needs of each individual child. Due to the recent Covid-19 pandemic, specialist teachers have not been allowed into schools. Fortunately, we are now in a position to allow this again and specialist teachers from local high schools are being sought to support the teaching of MFL at St. Mary’s. Class teachers are aware of the current situation and are ensuring that MFL is consistently taught each week in class following the school-preferred scheme. Termly monitoring will take place through lesson drop-ins, evidence scrutiny and pupil interviews.
MFL - Impact statement
The aims of MFL at St. Mary’s, which apply to all our children:
- To be able to understand and respond to spoken and written language
- To speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity through conversations and asking questions
- Continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation through learning new vocabulary and beginning to construct short sentences
- To communicate their understanding through written work, labelling or writing short sentences
- To develop an appreciation and love of languages