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St. Mary's C.E. Primary School

With God’s strength, we reach for the stars

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Year 1

Welcome to Year One 


Dear parents and children,


The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about different plants and trees in our local environment. They thoroughly enjoyed learning outside in order to consolidate these skills. It was great to see the children using their art skills to complete some complex shading patterns.    


Our next topic is history and we are focusing on Neil Armstrong and the moon landing. We will be looking at why it is important to remember Neil Armstrong and will create some detailed writing surrounding our this topic! I’m sure that the children will find this topic really engaging!


In Mathematics, we are going to consolidate our learning of addition and subtraction as we don’t want the children to forget these skills. Our new learning will be multiplication and division, volume and mass, in which we will encourage the children to use lots of apparatus in order to see how we can measure these things visually.  


Phonics – the children are continuing to make outstanding progress in their phonics lessons ready for their phonics screening test in June. Phonics is the gateway to the world – good phonetic knowledge and the ability to read enables great things! Daily phonics lessons and reading at home enable this. Don’t forget that there are lots of ways to read – magazines, comics, recipes, street signs etc.


PE – our PE day will to be on a Thursday. Please send your child to school in their full PE kit (making sure they have a cardigan/jumper to keep them warm as our lessons will be outdoors! We will be ensuring that the children are extremely active during the lessons as we are currently focusing on our skills needed for this years sports day (which will happen later on in the school year).


Thank you for your continued support!


The Year 1 team.

Year 1 Timetable 2023-24
