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St. Mary's C.E. Primary School

With God’s strength, we reach for the stars

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Chatter Tuesdays

Chatter Tuesday

As a school we see communication and vocabulary a great importance in a child's learning. Which is why every Tuesday each year group will be posting a new question for the children to have the conversation at home and tell their answers to their teachers. We will also have a whole school question that will be posted on a chalk board and will be put on the KS2 yard every Tuesday.


Whole school question: What are you most looking forward to doing over half-term?


Year group questions:

Little Saints: Who is Jesus?

Nursery: What is the initial phoneme of your name?

Reception: What are the main events of the Easter story?

Year 1: Why is Easter important to Christians?

Year 2: Name a fact about Mary Seacole?

Year 3: What is the function of the roots, in a plant?

Year 4: How does sound travel to the ear?

Year 5: Did Jesus come to get us into heaven or to make the world more like heaven?

Year 6: What is an adverbial? What are the different types?



St Mary's Team
